28.02.2023 - Today, a webinar was held to disseminate the results of the project among Polish non-governmental organisations that could not participate in the on-site event in Warsaw. During the online meeting, representatives of around a dozen non-governmental organisations in Poland learned about the idea behind thethe project and had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the e-course for volunteers and the Distance Learning Methodology Guide.

27.02.2023 - On 24.02.2023 in Warsaw, an event disseminating the results of the project among Polish non-governmental organisations was held. The event took the form of a workshop and was combined with the possibility of exchanging experiences. The event was attended by representatives of Polish NGOs.


20.02.2023 - On 17 February 2023 an event disseminating the results of the project among Norwegian NGOs was held in Oslo. The event was carried out in the form of a workshop.


04.02.2023 - the Polish version of the Distance Learning Guide is now available on our website https://motivus.eu/pl/materialy-szkolniczych/poradnik-metodologii-nauczania-na-odleglosc

30.01.2023 - An article about our project and the planned seminar/workshop is now available on the ngo.pl portal. We encourage you to read it:


28.01.2023 - we invite volunteers and volunteers'coordinators of Polish non-governmental organisations to participate in the seminar/ dissemination training devoted to strengthening volunteers in times of crisis and to the presentation of the e-course. The event in the form of a workshop will take place on February 24, 2023 in the center of Warsaw. You can sign up for the event using the registration form:


20.11.2022 - The final version of the e-course is now available in Polish and English. We invite you to make use of the support in the form of e-learning prepared for volunteers at https://motivus.eu/pl/materialy-szkolniczych/kurs-e-learningowy

31.10.2022 - We have completed the piloting of the e-course for volunteers. Selected Polish non-governmental organisations submitted their comments and suggestions to the e-course.

22.09.2022 - An article about our project and the planned e-courses pilot is now available on the ngo.pl portal. We encourage you to read: https://publicystyka.ngo.pl/odpornosc-i-motywacja-w-czasach-kryzysu-start-pilotazu-e-kursu and participate!

22.09.2022 - we are starting piloting the e-course for volunteers. Version 1.0 of the course in Polish and English is no available at https://motivus.eu/kursy/. Organisations interested in testing and feedbacking the course and improving it are asked to complete the survey available at https://www.interankiety.pl/f/QvRrPDPv.

4.09.2022 - On September 3, 2022, the second project meeting of the managing staff of partners' organisations took place. The meeting was held in Oslo and was dedicated to summing up the work on the course so far and to the preparation for the pilot.


31.08.2022 - we have completed consultations in the consortium of the first version of the e-course for volunteers. The course is based on the PERMA-V model and includes, inter alia, self-assessment for volunteers, tips on working with positive emotions (own/ of the child), maintaining motivation in a crisis.The pilot of the course will start soon.

6.05.2022 - We already have the results of research and surveys conducted among Norwegian NGOs during the pandemic. The Norwegian partner CTW managed to get contribution from organisations such as SAIFF, Tøyen Akademiet, Drøbakgata, Røde Kors. The results, ideas and specific solutions will be used in the e-course created in the project.

2/3.04.2022 - The first project meeting (kick-off) of partners took place in Warsaw on 2-3 April. The meeting was dedicated to the adoption of project documentation, including the management and financial plan and document templates, a detailed discussion of the schedule and scope of tasks and risks in the project along with a management plan. The partners discussed the changed situation of non-governmental organisations in Poland, involved in helping refugees from Ukraine and new challenges on the part of organisations and volunteers that will be taken into account in the project.

1.03.2022 – We started the project "Motivus - Resilience and Motivation in the Times of Crisis. E-learning for Volunteers Working with Children."according to the plan and schedule.

News Archives

24.09.2021 - On September 24, 2021, a webinar was held to disseminate the results of the project in Poland. 60 people from Polish non-governmental organisations interested in strengthening their own volunteers registered for the webinar. The presentation of the webinar is available on this website in the "Dissemination" section.

23.09.2021 - On September 23, 2021, a webinar disseminating the results of the project took place in Norway. More than 15 people from Norwegian non-governmental organisations interested in the subject of the project participated in the on-line meeting, chaired by representatives of Change the World.

1.09.2021 - The methodological guide for trainers/ teachers/ coordinators in non-governmental organisations is ready and available on this website in the "Training materials" section. The e-course version of the Guide will be available soon at https://motivus.eu/kursy/.

20.07.2021 - Between 16 and 18 July 2021, representatives of the project partners carried out the project visit to Oslo and took part in a training on working methods used with volunteers in Norwegian NGOs.

31.05.2021 - The Modular Training Programme is now available on the website in three language versions.

25.05.2021 - Today, a webinar for non-governmental organisations interested in the project and participation in the pilot of the Training Programme took place, where the Programme and the rules of participation in the pilot were discussed.

6.05.2021 - We invite non-governmental organisations working with children through volunteers to take part in the webinar scheduled for May 21, 2021 for non-governmental organisations that want to take part in the pilot of the training program. You can sign up for the event via: https://motivus-eu.konfeo.com/pl/groups. The number of places is limited.

5.05.2021 - An article about our project and the planned pilot "How to Take Care of Volunteers in a Non-Governmental Organisation" is now available on the platform ngo.pl. You can read it at: https://publicystyka.ngo.pl/jak-zadbac-o-wolontariusz-w-organizacji-pozarzadowej

30.04.2021 - we have finished work on the English version of the Training Programme.

16.04.2021 - the Director of the Norwegian partner (Change the World) M. Deliz was a guest and speaker at the webinar organised by the Education for Democracy Foundation, where he spoke, inter alia, on social participation and involving citizens in decision-making processes at the local level. As part of promotional activities, Mauricio also talked about the project “Motivate. Support. Strengthen. Training program for volunteers working with children”.

31.03.2021 - the first version of the training program for volunteers is ready. It will still be subject to opinions and corrections by partners and stakeholders, especially the target group being the Polish NGOs during the pilotage.

2.12.2020 - during the webinar, representatives of several non-governmental organisations learned about the goals of the project and had the opportunity to initially declare their interest in the pilot of the Training Program. The project partners learned about the specific needs of the target group in relation to the education of volunteers.

16.11.2020 - on 2nd December 2020, the webinar "Strengthen your organisation's volunteers" will be held with the aim of informing about the project and the possibilities of using it, including in the form of a pilot. Interested organisations can register at: https://motivus.konfeo.com/pl/groups.

27.10.2020 - The article about our project "Big Heart in Hard Reality" is now available on the platform ngo.pl. You can read it at: https://publicystyka.ngo.pl/wielkie-serce-w-twardej-rzeczywistosci

30.09.2020 - The Report on Good Practices from Norway is ready in English and Norwegian (tab "Training materials"). We encourage you to use it.

1.04.2020 – We started the project according to the plan and schedule. The epidemiological situation related to COVID-19 prevented us from having a physical project meeting, but we are working at full speed on the first result of the Project, using virtual tools of communication and work.